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Our Philosophy

At the core of our entitlement and design approach is a genuine commitment to engage with community stakeholders throughout the development process. We emphasize early and meaningful design engagement instead of showing up with a pre-determined outcome and simply asking for community buy-in. This process includes developing an in-depth understanding of the surrounding neighborhood, facilitating multiple community design workshops throughout the design process, and thinking creatively about what the project can provide and how it can interact with its community. Through this process, our team builds trust with the community and, ultimately, community input improves the project’s outcomes. The key components of our placemaking process are:


Partnerships with artists bring beauty and meaning into public and private spaces.


Conversations and community partnerships bring people together to help design projects that reflect neighborhood values.


Green public gathering spaces foster community and unite each project with its neighborhood.


Thoughtful, quality design improves neighborhood character and creates great living spaces.


New space for small businesses grows pedestrian life and the local economy.


Below-market-rate (BMR) units are built into every project, growing neighborhood diversity.
